Companion CD-Rom

Main Menu

    Advertisers KeyFrame Magazine is proud to have these fine companies as sponsors!

    Ear_To_The_Wall Information, images, animations, and demos of cool new LightWave products

    Gallery Artwork from other LightWave users, including some beautiful images from The LightWave Mailing List Contest.

    In Video
    A video tutorial that will teach you how to animate a moving conveyor belt or tank treads using bones and meta-morph function!

    ProFiles Samples of the beautiful work done by Marco Tempest.

    Reviews Additional info on products reviewed in KeyFrame Magazine issue #9.

    Tutorials Support files for the tutorials that appear in issue #8 of KeyFrame Magazine.

    Upgrades &
    Support Files
    This section contains important software upgrades and support files needed to use ths CD properly.

CD-Rom Index

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